Charitable organization is a kind of institutions or a business that falls under the category of NPO or non-profit organization. It can be run privately as well as publicly. This type of organization is often called a foundation or charity.

ATMA Foundation is a very fulfilling and impactful Charitable nonprofit organizations in India committed to empowering individuals and families to lead happier lives with healthier relationships, and to bring positive change in the community. A charity is something which is gifted or donated to an organization or an individual to help then or to benefit them.

ATMA Family Counselling Centre

Empowering individuals and families with a better understanding of oneself and others, enabling them to rediscover the love and joy in relationships, and solve their own problems. Follows the unique approach of Harmony Counseling developed by C.K Suresh, ATMA Founder – Director, based on the philosophy of Living in Harmony. The support of experts in relevant fields – psychologist, psychiatrist, physician, yoga therapist, etc- is provided or suggested by ATMA FCC.

Living in Harmony

Living in Harmony (LIH) is a practical philosophy of effecting life. It advocates some simple attitude changes and perceptual shifts that help a person to lead a happier life with healthier relationships.

Combining the wisdom of India Spirituality with modern techniques of psychology and management, Founder – Director of ATMA, Sri Suresh has created a framework of simple guidelines for happy living, which he calls ‘Living in Harmony’.

A framework of simple guidelines for happy living, which calls ‘Living in Harmony’, focuses on intrapersonal and interpersonal integration. “I am the creator, sustainer and destroyer of MY world. When I need a better world, I must create it”. This is the core concept of LIH. Living in Harmony empowers the individual to understand his inner world, and manage his responses to the experiences of the world around. It is a process of intrapersonal and interpersonal integration.

ATMA organises programmes to spread the concepts and practice of LIH. This includes

LIH Talk Series

These are 90 minute talks by Sri C K Suresh for 5 successive days. The talk series are organised at public places, sometimes in association with socio-cultural organisations, residents’ associations, youth clubs, etc. The talks are well-attended by families, and people of all age groups are benefitted.

LIH Topic Talks

These are short one-time talks on topics related to the various concepts in LIH.

Harmony Meditation

It is a meditation training programme, it is an approach to self integration through meditation. The training is conducted in the from of 1 hour meditation sessions for 3 to 4 successive days, usually in the morning.

Family Harmony Workshops

These are half-day workshops which can be attended by families. The workshops include interactive sessions on Love, Values and Relationships within the family. It is also an opportunity for different generations in the families to openly express their concerns and understand those of others.

ATMA Foundation is a reliable charitable organization for donating or gifting something that you can choose to serve a mission and help the general public.

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