A trust is an obligation annexed to the ownership of property, and arising out of a confidence reposed in and accepted by the owner, or declared and accepted by him, for the benefit of another. Charitable Trusts and Section 8 Company are eligible for tax exemption under Sections 11, 12, 12A, 12AA and 13 of the Income Tax Act. Charitable purpose includes relief of the poor, education, medical relief, preservation of environment and preservation of monuments or places or objects of artistic or historic interest, and the advancement of any other object of general public utility.

Atma Foundation one of the best Charitable Trusts in India eligible for tax exemption which act in accordance with Income Tax Act.

Trust eligible for Tax Exemption

The following charitable or religious trusts are entitled to exemption under section 11 and section 12, on fulfillment of certain conditions:

  1. Trusts created wholly for charitable or religious purposes and applying their income to such purposes in India.
  2. Trusts created before 1.4.1962 in part only for charitable or religious purposes, authorised by a general or special order of the Board, and applying their income to such purposes outside India.
  3. Trusts created before 1.4.1952 for charitable or religious purposes, authorised by a general or special order of the Board, and applying their income for such purpose outside India.
  4. Trusts created on or after 1.4.1952, for the charitable purpose of promoting international welfare in which India is interested, authorised by a General or special order of the Board and applying their income for such purpose outside India.
  5. Charitable trusts created for the benefit of scheduled casts, tribes backward classes or women and children.

We empower individuals and families with a better understanding of oneself and others, enabling them to rediscover the love and joy in relationships, and solve their own problems. We take up different initiatives to promote mental and physical health in the community.

For more information please visit www.atmafoundation.org